The production of fine Organic Extra-Virgin DOP "Terre di Siena" Olive Oil is perfect to give you a taste of a truly wholesome holiday. Oil is not merely a dressing but a nutrient, providing vital building blocks for the human organism.
The Extra-Virgin DOP "Terre di Siena" Olive Oil is:
EXCELLENT, because it adheres to the most rigorous criteria.
PRESTIGIOUS, because it comes from a territory with a high enviromental quality and a landscape rich with historical tradition.
PRECIOUS, because its high quality the result of manual labor, masterful skills and advanced technology wihich do not permit a large production".
Our Extra-Virgin DOP "Terre di Siena" Olive Oil is ideal for a wide variety uses: it exalts the delicacy of foods, adding a touch of nobility and class to a dish, with just enough flavour and just a tiny bitter touch, leaving a spicy aftertaste to tantalise your taste buds.
The aneel Key Mediterranean diet based on olive oil was first reccommended in 1970, after it was found that paople in Italy and Greece were those who suffered least from heart disease.